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Сокращения в словаре терминов

A. = Anguttara Nikaya

Abh. = Abhidhamma Pitaka (Canon)

Abh. S. = Abhidhammattha Sangaha

Abh. St. = Abhidhamma Studies, by Nyanaponika Thera (BPS)

App. = Appendix (этот самый список сокращений ссылок)

Atthasalini = (Com. to Dhammasangani)

Atthasalini Tr. = The Expositor, tr. by Maung Tin. PTS Tr. Series

Boehtl. = Otto Boehtlingk, Sanskrit-Worterbuch

BPS = Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy

CNid. = Cula Niddesa

Com. = Commentary

D. = Digha Nikaya (figures: number of Sutta)

Dhp. = Dhammapada

Dhs. = Dhammasangani

Fund. = Fundamentals of Buddhism, Nyanatiloka (BPS)

Guide = Guide through the Abhidhamma Pitaka, Nyanatiloka, 3rd ed. 1971 (BPS)

It. = Itivuttaka

Kath. = Kathavatthu

Khp. = Khuddakapatha

Khp. Tr. = Minor Readings & Illustrator, tr. (of Khp. & Com) by Nanamoli Thera.

PTS Tr. = Series

M. = Majjhima Nikaya (figures: number of Sutta)

MNid. = Maha Niddesa

Mil. = Milinda Panha

Path = Path to Deliverance, Nyanatiloka (BPS) (figures: paragraphs)

Patth. = Patthana

Pts.M. = Patisambhida Magga

PTS = Pali Text Society's editions

Pug. = Puggala-Pannatti (figures: paragraphs)

R. Und. = Right Understanding, tr. (of M. 9 & Com.) by Soma Thera (BPS)

S. = Samyutta Nikaya (figures: numbers of Samyutta and Sutta)

Sn. = Sutta Nipata (figures numbers of verses)

Tab. = Table at the end of the book

Therag. = Theragatha

Tr. = Translation

Vibh. = Vibhanga

Vis.M. = Visuddhi Magga (figures numbers of chapter & the paragraphing in Path of Purification, tr. by Nanamoli Thera, 3rd ed., BPS)


W.of B. = The Word of the Buddha, Nyanatiloka (BPS)

Yam. = Yamaka
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